Beauty in the beast!!!
Beauty in the beast... King of the jungle, so dangerous, strong and powerful yet so majestic and magnificent. The story behind this particular painting was the time when there was some cruelty case which I came across and although it was not related to lion but it was inhumanity towards stray animals, where people poisoned few dogs just to get rid of the population. The bad news everywhere disturbed me a lot in those few days which made me dream about something related to it. So the dream was: which I can still remember since it was so vivid and real that I got up crying like a baby. I have gone for a wild life safari where few people were discussing to hunt a tiger or lion, while they were talking I overheard and got a little concerned and asked the authorities if it is legal. They all said that I must be overthinking and this is a complete non hunting zone. The other morning I got up to the weird sound while I came running down from my room only to see 5 to 6 men tr...